Is the East Harlem Health Outreach Partnership a walk-in clinic?
No. EHHOP is not a walk-in clinic; however we do accept a limited number of walk-in appointments per week. For all questions, requests for appointment, or requests for prescription refills, please call 877-372-4161. Please leave your name, phone number, and when it is best to reach you along with your message. All phone calls are returned within 24 hours.

Do you offer HIV testing?
Yes. We currently provide voluntary counseling and testing to all EHHOP patients. Care for HIV/AIDS positive patients is managed by the Jack Martin Fund Clinic.

Do you offer TB testing?
Yes, we offer testing for Tuberculosis.

Do you offer clinical laboratory work?
Yes. We make every effort to provide necessary laboratory work regardless of ability to pay.

Can you provide radiology services (X-ray, etc.)?
Yes. We make every effort to provide necessary radiology services regardless of ability to pay.

Will all patients see a physician?
Yes. All patients, who are eligible for our services, will be seen by an attending physician.

If I have health insurance, can I come to the clinic?
No. EHHOP only serves those:

  • Who are at least 22 years old
  • Who live in East Harlem
  • Who do not have health insurance, which includes Medicare, Medicaid, Family Health Plus, etc

Why can't you care for children or adolescents?
Unfortunately, we do not have pediatricians volunteering at our clinic. Children under 19 years old who are uninsured and come to the clinic may be enrolled in Child Health Plus, and we can make appropriate referrals to pediatric clinics at the Mount Sinai Health System. Uninsured adolescents between the ages of 10 and 21 can be seen at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center at no cost to the patient by calling 212-423-3000.

Can you arrange for me to see a specialist?
Yes. When necessary, we make every effort to find a specialist willing to see you, and our Access to Care Team will help you navigate this process.

Is a social worker available?
Yes. We have a social worker on site every Saturday.

What happens if I am a new patient at EHHOP?
Before receiving medical care from EHHOP, all new patients will be screened by either a social worker or the Access to Care Team. After that initial screening appointment, you can begin to utilize EHHOP for your medical care.