Domestic Violence

The following provides you contact information and details for domestic violence:

Mount Sinai Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention (SAVI) Program
Location: 1468 Madison Avenue
Tel: 212-423-2140
Services: Counseling for survivors of rape, sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence and support services for friends and families of survivors, free and confidential support groups, takanot project, counseling and support services for Orthodox Jewish survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, Emergency Room advocacy, legal advocacy, education and training, Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) Program
Eligibility: Anyone
Cost: Free 

Violence Intervention Program
Hotline: 800-664-5880
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Services: Bilingual hotline: crisis counseling, linkages to shelters, advocacy, translation services, information on the rights of battered immigrant women and information and referrals to other available services in the caller's county. Counseling and Non-Residential Services: This program helps women secure needed services such as, shelter, housing, public assistance, crime victim's compensation, residential services
Eligibility: Anyone
Languages: All counselors are bilingual (Spanish and English)

Safe Horizon Hotline
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-621-HOPE (4673)
Crime Victims Hotline: 866-689-HELP (4357)
Rape, Sexual Assault & Incest Hotline: 212-227-3000
TDD machine for hearing impaired clients (all above hotlines): 866-604-5350
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Services: Counseling, housing assistance as well as actual residences (safe havens), life skills and parenting courses, childcare, medical aid, legal help regarding orders of protection, child and spousal support, child custody and visitation, divorce, and immigration, homeless youth services, syringe exchange
Languages: any 

Streetwork Harlem Drop-In Center
Location: 209 West 125th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10027
Tel: 212-695-2220
Hours: Monday – Sunday, 9 am – 9 pm
Services: meals, showers, clothing, wellness activities, mental health services, HIV prevention materials and testing, identification acquisition, public benefits acquisition, links to emergency shelter and housing advocacy
Eligibility: anyone 24 years of age or younger experiencing homelessness 

Streetwork Lower East Side Drop-In Center
Location: 33 Essex Street, New York, NY 10002
Tel: 646-602-6404
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2 pm – 7 pm
Services: Meals, showers, clothing, wellness activities, mental health services, HIV prevention materials and testing, identification acquisition, public benefits acquisition, links to emergency shelter and housing advocacy
Eligibility: Anyone 24 years of age or younger experiencing homelessness